The latest Virtual Cabinet Updates

Last Release

Start a Task from a Document Creation Template
Associate a Document Creation Template with a Task so that the Task is automatically started when the document is created.
Keyword searching on words with special characters.
Indexing defaults for multiple filing cabinets.
Email indexing defaults can now be configured for multiple filing cabinets. This is useful if you are regularly indexing emails into multiple places, but still want to utilise the defaults, such as the email subject into the description.
Virtual Cabinet administrators can change a user's username.
Increased password security.
New passwords for Virtual Cabinet users now require a minimum of 12 characters. This does not affect existing passwords but will be enforced for new accounts and new passwords. This is in line with modern security practices.
Retention Policy based on deleted date
Create a Retention Policy to destroy documents based on the Deleted Date of a document. E.g. Destroy documents that were deleted more than 6 months ago.

Current Release

2FA Log In with Any Authenticator App
Enhanced modern security with Two Factor Authentication (2FA) now available for Virtual Cabinet log in, and enforceable by administrators.
Not Equals To Searching
Powerful new search capability, e.g., "Give me all client documents apart from correspondence."
Task Icon in Search
See which documents are associated with outstanding tasks directly from the Search screen.
Start a Task While Sending an Email
When sending an email, you can now index the email into Virtual Cabinet and start a task simultaneously.
New User Security Administration Experience
Administrators can manage multiple users more easily, especially useful for large sites. At a glance see who has 2FA enabled, what their Access Profile is and which groups they are a member of.
Azure SQL Support for the VC Database
Virtual Cabinet now supports Azure SQL for database management.
Manage the Indexing and Thumbnail Services from the VC Admin Tab
Administrators can manage these services easily directly from within VC, without needing to access the server.